Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Buddhism Religion

Brief information about Buddhism Religion
They do not worship any God, they follow the noble eightfold path to lead a meaningful existence. They believe that the world is not created and ruled by a God, they accept the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, they believe in different beliefs, does not believe in the existence of a God who created the universe.

Hinduism Religion

Brief information about Hinduism Religion

They believe in one almighty God unknowable to humans, and there are Hindus who are pantheistic, who worship many Gods. They believe that God is not separate from his creations, they are one and the same, there is no evil, all is good since all is God.
Hinduism symbol

Islam Religion

Brief information about Islam Religion

Islam people believe that there is only one god, that God is beyond all comprehension, Muslims are not expected to visualize God but to worship and adore him as a protector. They believe that Jesus was just a man and not the son of God.

This symbol means God

Folk Religion

Brief information about Folk Religion
Folk religion consists of ethnic or regional religious customs under an organized religion. Folk religion is described as "the totality of all those views and practices of religion that exist among the people apart from and alongside of the official religion". There is sometimes tension between the practice of folk religion and the formally taught and teachings of a faith, practices that originated in folk religion are adopted as part of the official religion. The term is also used, especially by the faiths involved, to describe the desire of people who infrequently attend religious worship, do not belong to a church or similar religious society, and who have not made a formal profession of faith in a particular creed, to have religious weddings or funerals, or (among Christians) to have their children baptised.

Christianity Religion

Brief information about Christinaity

Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God, God having become man and the savior of humanity. Christians commonly refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah. Christians share a set of beliefs that they hold as their faith. Christian faith remain largely acceptable to most Christian denominations: Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Holy Spirit, the death, descent into hell, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, the holiness of the Church and the communion of saints, Christ's second coming, the Day of Judgement and salvation of the faithful.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Questions about Religion

Q1)What is Religion?

Religion is the belief and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship,usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing. Aspects of religion include narrative, symbolism, beliefs, and practices that are supposed to give meaning to the experiences of life. Religion also shows cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience. Religion is describes as a "way of life".

Q2)What are the major religions in the world?

4.Folk religion

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Rabbit Proof Fence Movie

The Rabbit Proof Fence

The movie ‘The Rabbit Proof Fence’ is about three Aboriginal girls named Molly (who is 15 years old), Daisy the sister of Molly and Gracie the cousin who live in Western Australia with their mother and grandmother. In this movie the government was being racist because their policy involved taking the children away from their family and put them in a boarding school where they learnt how to speak English and were educated.

The significance of the eagle was that it will always keep you safe, will look after you and it will guide you, when Molly and her sister Daisy were alone and isolated from everyone, Molly saw the eagle in the sky flying in circles and it meant that the eagle will guide them home and that they will be safe.

It would have been difficult for Molly to tell the story because it’s painful for her how it brings back the memories when she was away from her family and what she went through to come back home and also seeing her cousin being taken away from her and not making it back to come home.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Child born into Poverty and Child born into prosperity

Child born into Poverty
Children born into poverty are more likely to have poorer health and low birth weight.
*House that are damp and have mould can cause a range of illness to children, such as Asthma and allergies in poor or cramped houses.
*Children from poorer backgounds are more likely to be excluded from schools and access to Higher Education are significantly affected because the parents can't afford it.
*Children and young people from poorer families often miss out on school trips and activities.

Child born into prosperity
*Parents can afford to feed their children.
*They can afford for their children to go to a good educational school.
*They live in a good house with a roof.
*They have good clothing.
*They have a better chance of a good future.

Annan’s Nobel Speech in Oslo

a. Who are the winners of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize?
The winner of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize is Kofi Annan.
b. Who is Kofi Annan?
Kofi Annan is the Nobel lecture by Secretary General in Oslo provided by the United Nations.
c. To what was Mr. Annan referring when he stated that the world “entered the third millennium through a gate of fire”?
He was referring to the 11th of September disaster.
d. How did he describe the 20th century?
That the politicans, the scientists and the technological power give us the chance to vanish poverty, ignorance and disesases.
e. What does Mr. Annan mean by “peace has no parade, no pantheon of victory”?
He means that peace does not have to be celebrated as a victory or a grand thing; it is only a Human Right.
h. What faiths do Mr Annan mentioned? How are they similar?
He mentions, Qur’an, the Jewish, the Christian gospel, The Hindus and the Buddhist.
i. When has conflict occurred? (Hint: look for human dignity)
Conflict has occurred, in the difference of beliefs in the different religions.
j. What are the larger aims of the United Nation? (Hint: last paragraph)
To fight poverty, prevent conflict or cure disases.
k. Why might the 2001 Nobel Prize be considered special? Aside from the three key points of poverty, conflict, and democracy addressed by the United Nations, what do you see as issues promoting or preventing peace in the world today? What examples can you offer?
It was a symbol of hope for the whole of humanity, his speech brought a thorough understanding of what the world needs today. The factors that i think might prevent peace are human greed, difference of opinions in regards to religion and war between countries.
If this prize could be awarded to one more person or organization, what person or organization should be the recipient, in your opinion? Why?
The Red Cross because they have always been around to help people in times of crises for many years and will continue to do the same for many years. They are a source that has always been relied upon.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Religion Assignment

Article One
Published in: The Sunday Morning Herald.
Title: Apple admits using Child Labour
Author: Malcolm Moore
Date: March 1 2010

Article Two
Published in: Google
Title: Nike and Child Labour
Author: Faraz Azam
Date: June 1999

Article Three
Published in: Google
Title: Make Poverty History
Author: Unkown
Date: Unknown

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Report into World Hunger

a. How many people in the world are estimated by the United Nations World Food Programme to be chronically hungry?
830 million people around the world. Because of natural disasters, armed conflict and a grinding poverty that consigns the poor to chronic malnutrition, the United Nations World Food Program reported today.
b. Why is this important?
Because if people are aware then people can help,
c. What kind of report did the agency release?
A United Nations Report.
d. Why does Ms. Catherine Bertini claim people have trouble getting out of poverty and hunger?
Because the combination of poverty and disaster causes people to have even less possibility to build resources to end their hunger
e. What is the World Food Programme’s definition of hunger?
A condition in which people fail to get enough food to provide the nutrients for active, healthy lives.
g. What events have added to the problem of world hunger in the past few years?
Droughts, and natural disasters.
h. What disasters have hurt the poorest countries?
Afghanistan which has been hit by civil war.
i. Where are the largest numbers of poor and hungry people living?
Angola, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea.
j. Where have conditions improved over the past few years? Where have they worsened?
They have improved in Bosnia, Namibia and Botswana — they have become worse in others, like Afghanistan.
k. How many poor people did the World Food Programme feed in the year 2000?
89 million people.
l. What does Ms. Bertini say countries need in order to alleviate hunger?
Ms. Bertini said that countries struggling to overcome hunger need not only food but also water drilling and purification equipment and better sanitation and agricultural systems.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Promotion of Peace and Disarment, Participation, Global Solidarity and Development

1.What is the Catholic teaching regarding the requirement to maintaining peace?
It promotes peace as a positive, action-oriented concept.There is a close relationship in Catholic teaching between peace and justice. Peace is the fruit of justice and is dependent upon right order among human beings.
2.Why is it wrong to exclude people from participating in society?
Everyone is equal,no one is different from each other and everyone should have the right to participate in the society, beacuse it is a fundamental demand of justic and requirement for Human Dignity that all people be assured a minimum level of participation in the community.
3.What are our global responsibilities to each other?
Our global responsability is that we are one human family, and to each other cross nation, racial, economic and ideological differences.We are to work globally for justice.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Economic Justice and Stewardship of God's Creation

Economic Justice and Stewardship of God's Creation - Questions
1.What are the rights of the worker?
They have a right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, and to safe working conditions.
2.What is union?
A union is a group that looks after rights of employess e.g. working long hours.
3.What should peoples economic limitations be?
No one is allowed to amass excessive wealth when others lack the basic necessities of life. People have a right to economic initiative and private property.
4.Who are God's gifts intended for?
Everyone, we have to look after the goods that God created.
5.What is meant in this context by:Social Mortage, Steward and Trustee?
Social Mortage - we owe everyone the responsibility of keepng the earth good and not polluting, God gave us a beautiful planet that we live on and we have to look after it and not destroy it and not as merce consumers and users.
6.What is one measure of our Stewardship?
How we treat the environment with the sign of our respect for the environment and the creator.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rights and Responsibilities/Role of Government

1.What are every humans fundamental rights?
Human fundamental rights are:Food, shelter and clothing, employment, health care, and education, and be free.
2.What is the role of the Government in maintaining human rights.
The role of the Goverment in maintaining human rights is to promote Human Diginty, protect human rights, and build the common good( make life better, parks, roads, give houses), make everyone equal, and freedom.
3.Who is responsibile for assisting the government to achieve it's goals.
All people have a right and a responsibility to participate in political institution.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Common Good/ The Poor

1. Give an example of a community that you are part of.
I am part of the school community of Stella Maris.
2. How is this community both Sacred and Social?
It is where I learn about religion, it is also social because it is where I get to spend time with my friends and learn about other people.
3. What is the major test of a moral society?
The test of a moral society is examined from the way we help the many disadvantaged people and have sympathy for them for their situation, and us that are more fortunate have the power to help them. Many social justice activists such as the st Vincent de-Paul charity group, reflect a moral society, as they focus efforts and funding towards homeless and misfortune people.
4. In what way does our community look after the poor.
We do fundraising, by giving a $1 coin and that coin could make a difference in a person’s life. We also do other foundations such as for kids that have cancer, jump rope for heart, Valentine’s Day where you can buy lollies, cake stall and so on. These foundations can help their situation and can make them have a better and happy life. For the people that have cancer the money that we give them will make them comfortable during their recovery for those that don’t have the money.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Social Justice

Social Justice
Social Justice concerns itself with our responsibility to ensure that all people are given a “fair go”. Some issues that social justice aims to cover are:

Child Labour
Dignity of the Human Person
Belief in the inherent dignity of the human person is the foundation of all Catholic social teaching. Human life is sacred, and the dignity of the human person is the starting point for a moral vision for society. This principle is grounded in the idea that the person is made in the image of God. The person is the clearest reflection of God among us.
1. List the 5 issues justice aims to cover
The 5 issues are: Poverty, Child Labour, Refuges, Homelessness and Hunger.
2. In your own words explain what is meant by human dignity
Self respect you have in yourself and being treating like a human.
3. What is meant by a moral vision for society
Moral is right and wrong, in a society everyone knows what’s right and wrong. They can treat everyone equally. They have their own choice.
4. Which of the 5 social justice issues relates to human dignity.
Refuges, taking them to camp and taking everything away from them and that they are not a citizen. Child Labour, they don’t get to go to school and get a chance to grow.