Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Rabbit Proof Fence Movie

The Rabbit Proof Fence

The movie ‘The Rabbit Proof Fence’ is about three Aboriginal girls named Molly (who is 15 years old), Daisy the sister of Molly and Gracie the cousin who live in Western Australia with their mother and grandmother. In this movie the government was being racist because their policy involved taking the children away from their family and put them in a boarding school where they learnt how to speak English and were educated.

The significance of the eagle was that it will always keep you safe, will look after you and it will guide you, when Molly and her sister Daisy were alone and isolated from everyone, Molly saw the eagle in the sky flying in circles and it meant that the eagle will guide them home and that they will be safe.

It would have been difficult for Molly to tell the story because it’s painful for her how it brings back the memories when she was away from her family and what she went through to come back home and also seeing her cousin being taken away from her and not making it back to come home.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Child born into Poverty and Child born into prosperity

Child born into Poverty
Children born into poverty are more likely to have poorer health and low birth weight.
*House that are damp and have mould can cause a range of illness to children, such as Asthma and allergies in poor or cramped houses.
*Children from poorer backgounds are more likely to be excluded from schools and access to Higher Education are significantly affected because the parents can't afford it.
*Children and young people from poorer families often miss out on school trips and activities.

Child born into prosperity
*Parents can afford to feed their children.
*They can afford for their children to go to a good educational school.
*They live in a good house with a roof.
*They have good clothing.
*They have a better chance of a good future.

Annan’s Nobel Speech in Oslo

a. Who are the winners of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize?
The winner of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize is Kofi Annan.
b. Who is Kofi Annan?
Kofi Annan is the Nobel lecture by Secretary General in Oslo provided by the United Nations.
c. To what was Mr. Annan referring when he stated that the world “entered the third millennium through a gate of fire”?
He was referring to the 11th of September disaster.
d. How did he describe the 20th century?
That the politicans, the scientists and the technological power give us the chance to vanish poverty, ignorance and disesases.
e. What does Mr. Annan mean by “peace has no parade, no pantheon of victory”?
He means that peace does not have to be celebrated as a victory or a grand thing; it is only a Human Right.
h. What faiths do Mr Annan mentioned? How are they similar?
He mentions, Qur’an, the Jewish, the Christian gospel, The Hindus and the Buddhist.
i. When has conflict occurred? (Hint: look for human dignity)
Conflict has occurred, in the difference of beliefs in the different religions.
j. What are the larger aims of the United Nation? (Hint: last paragraph)
To fight poverty, prevent conflict or cure disases.
k. Why might the 2001 Nobel Prize be considered special? Aside from the three key points of poverty, conflict, and democracy addressed by the United Nations, what do you see as issues promoting or preventing peace in the world today? What examples can you offer?
It was a symbol of hope for the whole of humanity, his speech brought a thorough understanding of what the world needs today. The factors that i think might prevent peace are human greed, difference of opinions in regards to religion and war between countries.
If this prize could be awarded to one more person or organization, what person or organization should be the recipient, in your opinion? Why?
The Red Cross because they have always been around to help people in times of crises for many years and will continue to do the same for many years. They are a source that has always been relied upon.